Our General Terms and Conditions constitute the basis for any and all engagements of Prinz & Partner and are made available to you here for retrieval and storage. We explicitly refer to the limitations of liability provided therein.
The following is an English translation of the German version of our General Terms and Conditions. In the event of doubt or discrepancy between the English and German versions, the German version shall prevail.
- The mandate given is authoritative for the content and scope of the services to be rendered by Prinz & Partner. Prinz & Partner is only obligated to file appeals or legal remedies of all kinds if and when our firm has received and accepted a mandate directed thereto.
- In case of information that is given or declarations that are made orally or by telephone and that are of significant legal or economic importance, the principal is obligated to request a written confirmation. Otherwise, he can not invoke the binding nature of the information or declaration.
- The liability of Prinz & Partner vis-à-vis the principal arising from the attorney-client relationship is limited to ten million Euros (€ 10,000,000.00) for each individual event of damage in case of simple negligence. The liability in case of intent or gross negligence is not limited.
- The obligation of the mandataries to preserve and hand over reference files expires three years from termination of the mandate.
- Unless a shorter limitation period is provided for by law, any claims against the mandataries become statute-barred three years after termination of the mandate. The mandate is deemed to be terminated upon transmission of the last invoice at the latest.
- In case of a dispute between one of our patent attorneys or attorneys-at-law and a client we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
- Any disputes arising from or in connection with the attorney-client relationship shall be governed exclusively by German law. The courts of Munich shall have exclusive jurisdiction.