- Preparation of first applications
- Prosecution of national and international applications
- Representation before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office, the German Federal Patent Court and Federal Court of Justice in grant proceedings, utility model cancellation proceedings, patent opposition proceedings and patent invalidity proceedings
- Management of foreign proceedings with our network of foreign associates before national offices and courts
- Preparation of application strategies
- Portfolio administration and management
- Freedom to operate searches and opinions
- Due diligence studies
- Preparation of licence, sale and collaboration contracts
- Defense against enforcement of intellectual property rights by third parties
- Pursuit of infringers including enactment of court orders and seizure of goods at trade fairs and border seizures
Special experiences:
construction chemistry, food chemistry, cosmetics, polymer chemistry, polymorphy, plant protection
Dr. Werner Sulzbach
Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trademark AttorneyUte Feldmann
Pharmacist, LL.M.
Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trademark AttorneyThomas Heydenreich
M.Sc. Chemistry
Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trademark AttorneyDr. Andre Mähringer
M.Sc. Chemistry
Patent Attorney TraineeMaria-Kathrin Hiller
M.Sc. Biochemistry
Patent Attorney Trainee